




A market economy based on central planning

A decision on economic restructuring adopted unanimously by the 12th CPC Central Committee at its third plenary session in October 1984 defined China's socialist economy as a market economy based on central planning and public ownership. Such an economy differs from a full market economy in that it is a socialist economic system based on public ownership of the means of production and relies on planning, as well as market mechanisms, to regulate the production and exchange of goods. The decision pointed out that full development of a market-oriented economy was an inevitable step in China's social and economic development and a prerequisite for economic modernization. It added that central planning and a focus on market mechanisms and development of a market economy were not mutually exclusive, but could be mutually complementary, and that it was wrong to pit one against the other. This new understanding replaced a previous formula that assigned central planning a leading role and market mechanisms a supporting role. The change represented a clear departure from the traditional dichotomy of planned economy versus market economy and a breakthrough in socialist economic theory. It significantly enriched socialist economics and scientific socialism, expanded the realms of these theories, and provided a solid theoretical foundation and an overarching guiding framework for China's economic restructuring. It mapped the future direction for economic restructuring, marked an important step towards building a market economy, and paved the way for developing a theory of socialist market economy. 

The 13th CPC National Congress defined the new socialist market economy system based on central planning as one that integrates the role of planning and that of the market, with the government regulating the market and businesses responding to market signals. Guided by this new approach, restructuring gathered new momentum.

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