

熔接fusion welding

压接pressure welding

焊接过程welding process

焊接技术welding technique

焊接工艺welding technology/procedure

焊接操作welding operation

焊接顺序welding sequence

焊接方向direction of welding

焊接位置welding position

熔敷顺序build-up sequence/deposition sequence

焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis

焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation

平焊位置flat position of welding

横焊位置horizontal position of welding

立焊位置vertical position of welding

仰焊位置overhead position of welding

平焊downhand welding/flat position welding

横焊horizontal position welding

立焊vertical position welding

仰焊overhead position welding

全位置焊all position welding

向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position

向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position

倾斜焊inclined position welding

上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position

下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position

对接焊butt welding

角焊fillet welding

搭接焊lap welding

船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position

平角焊horizontal fillet welding

立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position

仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position

坡口焊groove welding

I形坡口对接焊square butt welding

喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding

卷边焊flanged edge welding

横缝焊接welding of transverse seam

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