The text, "On Independent Thought" of Xuan Zhu has set me thinking a little bit.
Nowadays, we all do not know how to think independently, do we? Don't we unlearn how to think in an independent way?
I think: no, we have not forgotten to think independently.
The problem is, that some are not used to "thinking differently", and they are also not used to the fact, that others have independent thoughts. They are wrapped up in layers like coats and they may also wrap up others. They take out the stick of dogmatism, patrol with it everywhere, and if they see somebody piercing his coat, they hit him hard. They are not satisfied and cannot fall asleep in their coats, before they not hear from everywhere that usual emotionless talk.
Their sticks have generated a kind of public opinion, and created a chorus of yes-men, that obviously have loud voices and really could drown out everything. But these sticks were not able to stop the ability of the people to think independently. Actually, among these monotonous remarks there have always been different voices, but the dogmatists haven't heard them or simply don't want to hear them. Some editors have already gotten used to a life in coats. They do not rest, until they have revised your essay so often that it fits into the coats, only then they are willing to publish it. But the authors of those essays still want to pierce through their coats as usual. A powerful hit will perhaps be effective already for the first time. To avoid the second one, they dodge in ahead-running obediently. Everyone knows, that people are living human being, and therefore, the "independent thought" cannot be represented by dogmatists.
Most people can still think independently in China. They have their own opinions on everything. In no way would they come to terms with the cast that other people thought for them, but they are also not used to expressing their opinions publicly. Instead of this, they like to chatter in the dark, which has the opposite effect. It helps the exaggerating of the dogmatists. Therefore, the slogan of the "free completion of the 100 schools" would especially apply to them. They must "make themselves heard." We should encourage them also to do this loudly. If they would really "cry out," the dogmatists could pack up their sticks and leave.