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Rural land contract reform: separation of ownership rights, contractors' rights and land management rights

In the early years of the reform process, a household contract responsibility system was gradually implemented, separating ownership rights from land management rights, with the former belonging to collective entities, and the latter to individual households. This measure injected huge dynamism into agricultural production across the land, and helped effectively meet the most basic needs of the people, securing a great victory for rural reform. Currently, with a trend towards industrialization and urbanization, rural labor is flocking to cities and towns in large numbers. These developments underscore the need to further separate contractors' rights from land management rights to reflect the fact that contractors may not necessary manage the land under contract themselves. In his speech at the fifth meeting of the Central Steering Group for In-depth Reform in September 2014, Xi Jinping called for a new system that ensures separation of contractors' rights and land management rights in addition to ownership rights – which remain collective in nature – and allows transfer of land management rights. This represents yet another major innovation in rural reform following the rollout of the household contract responsibility system.  

Separation of ownership rights, contractors' rights and land management rights contributes to rural governance, and reflects the need for production relations to evolve in response to the development of productive forces. This move attests to the viability of our basic rural governance system, clarifies land ownership rights, and better protects the rights of all parties involved. It helps promote rational land use, facilitate the building of a new agricultural management system, achieve economies of scale through multiple channels, improve land and labor productivity and resource utilization, and promote modern agricultural development.

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