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当地时间2015年11月30日,国际货币基金组织(IMF)决定将人民币纳入特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子,SDR货币篮子相应扩大至美元、欧元、人民币、日元、英镑5种货币, 2016年10月1日正式生效,人民币成为真正的“世界货币”。IMF总裁拉加德在发布会上表示:“人民币进入SDR将是中国经济融入全球金融体系的重要里程碑,这也是对中国政府在过去几年在货币和金融体系改革方面所取得的进步的认可。” SDR是IMF在1969年创设的一种辅助国际储备资产,是IMF和其他一些国际组织的记账单位,中文名叫特别提款权,又称“纸黄金”。一国货币如果成为特别提款权构成货币,那么将被认为是世界货币。人民币加入SDR是IMF首次将一个新兴经济体货币作为储备货币,将大大提升人民币在国际货币舞台的地位。


RMB's inclusion in Special Drawing Right Basket

On November 30, 2015, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced the inclusion of the Chinese renminbi (RMB) in the Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket as a fifth currency, along with the U.S. dollar, the euro, Japanese yen and the British pound. Effective from October 1, 2016, the RMB became a "global currency" in a real sense.

Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, hailed the RMB's inclusion in the SDR basket as "an important milestone in the integration of the Chinese economy into the global financial system." "It is also recognition of the progress that the Chinese authorities have made in the past years in reforming China's monetary and financial systems," she said at the launch of the new SDR basket.

The SDR is a supplementary international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969. It is the unit of account of the IMF and some other international organizations, known as "paper gold." Once a country's currency is added to the basket, it will become a global currency. The RMB's inclusion was the first time the IMF had added the currency of an emerging economy as a reserve currency. This greatly enhances the RMB's status among international currencies.

The RMB's inclusion in the SDR basket was a result of decades of reform and opening up of China's financial sector. It showed the international community's recognition of China's composite strength and reform and opening up. It also marked a starting point for the Chinese financial system to further integrate into the international economic and financial system and take up new duties and obligations. It would spur China's internal financial reform and opening of capital accounts.

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