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代理市长 acting mayor   

代理总理 acting premier  

代理主任 acting director  

代理经理 acting manager

代理女校长 acting headmistress  


Mr Li is just an acting director. 李先生只是位代理主任。  

You can ask the acting manager. 你可以问问代理经理。  

And that will be Prime Minister Choi, Acting President. 那就是崔总理,我们的代理总统。  

The Russian statements come as acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert considers tough restrictions on Palestinians and a freeze on ties with their government after a Hamas-led parliament is sworn in on Saturday. 在俄罗斯发表这些声明的同时,以色列代理总理奥尔默特考虑星期六哈马斯宣誓就职后,对巴勒斯坦人施加更严格的限制,并冻结和巴勒斯坦自治政府的来往关系。  


When the headmaster was away, the deputy head did his job. 当校长不在时,代校长代理他的工作。  

The club has recently appointed a caretaker manager. 俱乐部最近任命了一名临时代理经理。  

His resignation poses the question of whether we now need a deputy leader. 他一辞职引出了一个问题,即我们目前是否需要有人代理领导职务。  

The deputy manager exchanged the company's interest for his personal honour. 这个代理经理为了个人荣誉而出卖了公司的利益。

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