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Briefing on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP)Prevention and Control in Zhejiang Province

Foreword: According to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention and control arrangements of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Provincial Government, the Foreign Affairs Department of the Provincial People’s Government will issue an English language summary of the Information on NCP Prevention and Control in Zhejiang Province on a daily basis, so as to offer timely updates to foreign friends living or travelling in Zhejiang, whose support and cooperation is essential to our society-wide efforts. The following is the first of the series.

According to the daily press conference on NCP prevention and control held by the Information Office of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, there have been positive trends in the battle against the NCP with the number of newly confirmed cases declining and the spread of virus effectively contained. However, we still face significant pressures as businesses resume operation and more employees return to work.

In light of this development, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Provincial Government have put emphasis on both fighting against the epidemic and helping businesses restart operation in an orderly fashion.

I. On prevention, control and medical treatment of the disease

In the areas most seriously affected by the epidemic, we have made every effort to stem transmission at its source. Daily updates are provided on province-wide figures for confirmed cases, suspected infections and the number of people having close contact with patients. Clear rules have been set forth and enforced to ensure that people with high risk of infection are isolated and others groups who might be exposed to the virus are put under home quarantine, leaving nothing to chances. In terms of Medical treatment, great efforts have been made to improve the therapeutic solution so as to minimize the infection rate and enhance chances of recovery. While making optimal use of existing medical resources, plans have also been made to ensure sustainable supply. More medical supplies and provincial-level medical staff have been dispatched to cities like Wenzhou, which are hit particularly hard by the disease.

II. On Resumption of Business

The CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Provincial People’s Government have issued Guidelines on Stabilizing the Economy Amidst the COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Efforts, according to which a series of measures are being taken to ensure steady supply of necessities, reduced tax, greater fiscal and financial support for businesses, as well as the orderly resumption of work in companies, etc.  The provincial leading group on NCP Prevention and Control has also issued Notice on the Orderly Resumption of Work in Companies to Maintain Stable Economic and Social Development.  Zhejiang has set up a special task force and adopted well-targeted measures on key fronts including logistics, employment and industrial chain of medical supplies.  With our efforts to ensure the smooth supply of medical and daily necessities, we aim to provide a barrier-free environment for companies as they try to resume production and operation.

III. On Ensuring People’s Daily Life

Targeted prevention and control measures have been put in place based on different situations on the ground.  For residents under home quarantine, a special sign is put up on the doors of their homes. Staff come to their homes to deliver meals and collect garbage. Medical professionals also come and check on their health condition and provide medical advice.  Meanwhile, we are making greater efforts to manage supply and demand, ensure the normal operation of e-commerce and delivery companies, so that the impact of the epidemic on people’s daily life could be kept to a minimum.


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