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  6月28日,国家主席习近平在二十国集团领导人峰会(the G20 Summit)上就世界经济形势和贸易问题发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》(Working Together to Build a High-Quality World Economy)的重要讲话。下面我们来看看有哪些重点吧。


  We must respect the objective laws of the economy. Economic operation has its underlying laws. Fully respecting these laws, leveraging the role of the market and removing man-made obstacles represent a sure way to raise productivity, boost trade and revitalize all industries.

  2. 我们要把握发展大势。古往今来,人类从闭塞走向开放、从隔绝走向融合是不可阻挡的时代潮流。我们要以更大的开放拥抱发展机遇,以更好的合作谋求互利共赢,引导经济全球化朝正确方向发展。

  We must tap into the prevailing trend of development. The history of human society is marked by a transition from isolation and exclusion to openness and integration. This is an unstoppable trend. We must open up further to embrace opportunities of development and seek win-win outcomes through closer cooperation. We must work together to shape and steer economic globalization in the right direction.

  3. 我们要胸怀共同未来。放眼世界,各国早已休戚相关、命运相连。我们要立足共同利益,着眼长远发展,致力于实现世界持久和平繁荣、各国人民安居乐业,避免因一时短视犯下不可挽回的历史性错误。

  We must keep in mind our shared future. In today's world, all countries' interests are closely intertwined. We have a high stake in each other's future. By expanding common interests and taking a long-term view, we can realize enduring peace and prosperity in the world and deliver a better life to all our people. We must not allow ourselves to become prisoners of short-term interests and make irrevocable mistakes of historic consequences.

  4. 坚持改革创新,挖掘增长动力。

  We need to persist in reform and innovation to find more impetus for growth.

  5. 坚持与时俱进,完善全球治理。

  We need to progress with the times and improve global governance.

  6. 坚持迎难而上,破解发展瓶颈。

  We need to rise up to challenges and break bottlenecks in development.

  7. 坚持伙伴精神,妥善处理分歧。

  We need to uphold our partnership and resolve differences properly.

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