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  1.be wildly anticipated/popular


  The band is wildly popular in Cuba. 这支乐队在古巴深受欢迎。

  wildly inaccurate statements 离谱的说法

  2.set a ... record, smash a record

  smash a record: to do something much faster, better etc than anyone has done before打破纪录

  The film smashed all box office records. 这部影片打破了所有的票房纪录。

  set a new all-time presales record,创下预售纪录新高。

  all-time ADJ You use all-time when you are comparing all the things of a particular type that there have ever been. For example, if you say that something is the all-time best, you mean that it is the best  thing of its type that there has ever been. 空前的 

  4. be the highest-grossing,用票房说话

  说到电影票房喜人,大赚一笔,可能会想到rake in这个词组。比如前两年很火的一步国产动画片《大圣归来》,外媒有句报道是这样写的:

  The animation film raked in RMB 200m in six days just by word-of-mouth praise, setting a record for homemade animation.大圣归来依靠口碑传播,6天票房破2亿,创造了国产动画电影的一个纪录。


  5.to gain an amount as a total profit, or earn it as a total amount, before tax has been taken away获得…的总利润[毛利,税前收入]

  The movie has already grossed over million. 这部电影票房总收入已经超过1,000万美元。

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