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  1. Algorithms

  The word is derived from the name of the ninth-century Persian mathematician, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, who introduced decimal numbers to the West. Today it means a series of instructions that must be executed automatically by a computer. Algorithms are at work in all areas, from search-engine queries and the selection of information suggested to internet users, to financial markets.

  1. 算法

  这个词源于公元九世纪波斯数学家阿尔·花剌子模的名字,是他把十进制数字引入西方。 这里的算法是指必须由计算机自动执行的一系列指令。从搜索引擎查询、向互联网用户推荐信息,再到金融市场,算法活跃在各个领域。人工生命这是一个跨学科研究领域,旨在以计算机或机器人的形式研发受生命系统启发的人工系统。增强人类这是超人类主义的理想,按照科学技术原则对人体进行干预,而个体在接受改造之后,各项机能都可以得到强化,这一过程为增强人类。兼具人与机器属性的个体能够跑得更快,在黑暗中也能看得清楚,可以忍受疼痛,具备更高的智力,能够抵抗疾病或死亡。“被修复的人”已经出现,“连接计算机”的假肢也日趋完善。随着用于军事目的的人造外部骨骼设备的发展,增强人类正在逐渐成为现实。

  2. Augmented reality

  The superimposition of virtual elements onto reality, calculated by a computer system in real time (such as sounds, 2D and 3D video images, etc.). This technique is used in video games and cinema, where the spectator interacts with virtual objects through sensors. It is also used for geolocation and heritage applications. For instance, the Cluny Abbey in France uses augmented reality screens, so visitors can visualize the town as it was in the fifteenth century.

  2. 增强现实

  增强现实是指由计算机系统实时计算形成的虚拟元素与现实的叠加(如声音、二维和三维视频图像等)。这种技术应用于视频游戏和电影,观众可通过传感器与虚拟物体进行互动,同时也应用于地理定位和遗产方面。例如,法国的克吕尼修道院采用增强现实屏幕,为游客展示 15 世纪古镇风貌。

  3. Big data

  A set of digital data that, through its volume, surpasses human intuition and analytical abilities. We generate some 2.5 trillion bytes of data every day on the internet, through emails, videos, weather information, GPS signals, online transactions, etc. No traditional computerized database management tool can process this mass of data – it has required the development of new algorithms to store, classify and analyse it.

  3. 大数据

  大数据是指一系列人类的直观理解和分析能力已无法企及的、体量巨大的数字数据。我们的电子邮件、视频、天气信息、全球卫星定位信号和在线交易等,每天会在互联网上生成大约2.5 万亿字节数据。任何一种传统的计算机数据库管理工具都无法处理如此海量的数据,因而需要开发新的算法对其进行存储、分析和分类。

  4. Bioconservative

  For transhumanists, people who criticize their ideal, augmented man are bioconservatives – regressive individuals who refuse to change the laws of life and nature, even though technology makes it possible to do so. 

  4. 生物保守派


  5. Cloud

  Different computer systems involving a large number of computers connected to each other, and exchanging messages in real time over the internet. A calculation or the storage of information launched by one computer can therefore be carried out by a network of interconnected computers – thus creating a cloud.

  5. 云


  6. Deep learning

  At the cutting edge of machine learning, this technique enables a machine to independently recognize complex concepts such as faces, human bodies, or images of cats. This is done by scouring millions of images picked from the internet – images that have not been labelled by humans. The result of a combination of learning algorithms and formal neural networks and the use of mass data, deep learning has revolutionized artificial intelligence. It has countless applications, including search engines, medical diagnosis, autonomous cars, etc. In 2015, the AlphaGo computer used deep learning to beat humans at Go, the ancient Chinese board game. 

  6. 深度学习

  这是最尖端的机器学习技术,让机器能够独立识别复杂概念,如脸部、人体或猫的图像。要完成深度学习,需要浏览从互联网上选出的数百万张不带有人为标记的图像。深度学习将算法的学习与形式神经网络结合起来, 同时采用大量数据,彻底改变了人工智能。深度学习广泛应用于搜索引擎、医疗诊断、自动驾驶汽车等领域。2015 年,AlphaGo 程序利用深度学习,在围棋比赛中击败了人类棋手。

  7. Formal neural networks

  These are algorithms designed to be implemented by a computer, which aims to replicate the neural connections of the brain. Existing systems are much more limited than human intelligence. But they are still capable of estimating the speed of a vehicle according to movements of the accelerator pedal and the slope of the road; the hardness of a material as a function of its chemical composition and its processing temperature; or the solvency of a business according to its turnover, etc.

  7. 形式神经网络


  8. Human cryogenics

  The technique for the conservation of a human body or head in liquid nitrogen, after an individual’s death, with the aim of resuscitating it one day.

  8. 人体冷冻技术


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