It is only unrealistic to pursue absolute reciprocal openness in real trade practices……(外交部)
It was unrealistic to require two economies to be absolutely reciprocal and open in trade practice. (新华社)
What we call reciprocity and mutual benefit in trade refers to the overall reciprocity and balance of interests in the open market of all industries. (外交部)
Mutually beneficial trade should mean the overall reciprocity and balance of interests in market opening across all industries. (新华社)
英文权威词典《韦氏大词典》(Merriam Webster)告诉我们,在两国关系语境下,形容词“reciprocal”的基本含义就是“mutually corresponding”,也就是中文里的“对等”。
这个词是中性的,通俗点讲就是“你怎么对我我怎么对你(do the same thing to each other)”。如果两国对等交换的是“特权、优惠(privileges)”,那么,“reciprocal”自然可以表示“互惠”。如果不特指“privileges”,万万不能盲目译为“互惠”,译者不能擅自给“reciprocal”加戏,否则很容易引起误读。
实践中,特朗普以及美国媒体反复提到的“reciprocal trade deals”也并非指“互惠协议”,而是强调“对等协议”,因为美方觉得自己一直在吃亏。
实际上,对于“reciprocal”的名词形式“reciprocity”,《韦氏大词典》除了强调“对等(the state of being reciprocal)”这第一层释义,还专门给出第二层释义:a mutual exchange of privileges specifically