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  1. 设施联通


  Infrastructure is the cornerstone of connectivity and a bottleneck of development confronting many countries. Building infrastructure of high quality, sustainability, risk resilience, reasonable pricing, inclusiveness and accessibility could help countries give full play to their advantages in resources and better integrate into the global supply, industry and value chains for interconnected development.

  2. 民心相通


  A total of 10,000 representatives of political parties, think tanks and non-governmental organizations from countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative will be invited to China for exchanges in the next five years.


  China will support 5,000 people from innovation sector in Belt and Road countries in conducting exchanges, training programs and joint researches in the next five years.


  China will work with other participants of the Belt and Road Initiative to promote scientific and cultural exchanges, set up joint science labs, build science and technology parks, and promote transfer of technologies.

  3. 民心相通


  A total of 10,000 representatives of political parties, think tanks and non-governmental organizations from countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative will be invited to China for exchanges in the next five years.


  China will support 5,000 people from innovation sector in Belt and Road countries in conducting exchanges, training programs and joint researches in the next five years.


  China will work with other participants of the Belt and Road Initiative to promote scientific and cultural exchanges, set up joint science labs, build science and technology parks, and promote transfer of technologies. 


  China will work with other parties to promote a coalition of sustainable cities and an international coalition for green development under the Belt and Road Initiative.

  4. 政策沟通


  China will create a business environment in which the value of knowledge is respected. The country will step up protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreign owners of intellectual property rights, and prohibit the forced transfer of technology. 

  5. 资金融通


  China will not engage in beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluation. China will continue to improve the exchange rate formation mechanism of its currency, the renminbi, and keep the exchange rate generally stable on a reasonable and balanced level. 


  All countries should create a sound investment environment, and treat Chinese enterprises, students and scholars abroad as equals, providing a fair and friendly environment for them to carry out normal international exchanges and cooperation.

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