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  China’s position on the relations between India and Pakistan


     The recent events have refocused international attention on Pakistan-India relations. China has stressed from the beginning the need to exercise calm and restraint, prevent escalations, find out what has happened and resolve the matter through dialogue. In the meantime, the countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity should be fully respected. China has followed these principles in its mediation efforts and played a constructive role in defusing the tension.


  China hopes the two countries will get along, help each other and progress together. We sincerely hope that Pakistan and India will transform the crisis into an opportunity and meet each other halfway. We advise both parties to quickly turn this page and seek a fundamental, long-term improvement in their relations. When confrontation gives way to dialogue and disagreements are settled by goodwill, they can create a better future through cooperation.


  China-DPRK relations


  General Secretary Xi and Chairman Kim have had four meetings in less than a year, a record-setting pace of interactions in the 70-year history of China-DPRK ties. Under the joint guidance and push of our top leaders, our traditional friendship is brimming with vitality and our relationship is turning a new chapter.


  The 70th anniversary of our diplomatic ties is a great opportunity to build on this strong legacy and take it forward. It is in our shared interests to cement and develop our long-standing friendship, and China is determined to do so.


  China will work with the DPRK to build a strong relationship for the new era, safeguard the fundamental interests of our peoples, move toward solving the issues on the peninsula by political means, and maintain peace and stability in our region.


  China-India relations


  Indeed, 2018 was a year of great significance for China-India relations. The historic meeting between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Wuhan created a new model of high-level interactions between our two countries. It not just deepened the trust and friendship between our leaders, but also set the direction for our future relations.


  China will work with India to comprehensively strengthen sectoral cooperation and particularly people-to-people ties, so that our friendship and cooperation will surge ahead like the Yangtze and the Ganges, giving strong and sustained impetus to our relationship.


  China-Japan relations


  Last year, thanks to our joint efforts, China-Japan relations got back on track and showed positive momentum toward improved and stronger ties. This fully meets the common interests of people in both countries. Our experience shows that whenever Japan adopts an objective and rational view of China’s development and honors the various political principles already reached, the relationship will steer clear of obstacles and interference and enjoy a stable and bright outlook. In the meantime, we can unleash the full potential of our cooperation and create far greater space for it. I’m sure as the two sides work together to cement the political foundation of our relations, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and foster greater friendship between our people, China-Japan relations will enter a stage of stable development, where we will have more frequent exchanges in various fields and high-level interactions will come about naturally.

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