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灰渣利用 bottom and fly ash recovery

排渣槽 bottom ash hopper

埋刮板捞渣机 submerged slag conveyor

螺旋式捞渣机 screw slag conveyor

碎渣机 clinker grinder, slag crusher

振动筛 vibrating screen

燃烧器蜗壳 burner spiral case

雾化器 atomization

机械雾化 mechanical atomization

蒸汽雾化 steam atomization

空气雾化 air atomization

气固两相流动 gas-solid two-phase flow

闭路循环 closed cycle

蒸汽带水 carryoery

炉膛灭火 boiler flame failure, boiler flame blackout

稳定燃烧 stable combustion

压力容器 pressure vessel

支吊架 supports and hangers

原煤管道 raw coal piping

风道 air duct

热风道 hot air duct

冷风道 cold air duct

穿墙套管 wall-through bushing, wall-bushing

伸缩节 expansion joint

送粉管道 pulverized coal feed piping

燃油管道 fuel oil piping

风管道 air piping

一次风管道 primary air piping

二次风管道 secondary air piping

落粉管 pulverized coal chute

除灰管道 ash piping

烟道 gas dust, gas pass

尾部烟道 convection flue gas pass

煤气管 gas piping

连续排污管 continuous blowdown piping

烟囱 chimney, stack

多管式烟囱 multi-flue chimney

燃烧 combustion

四角喷射燃烧 corner firing

燃烧速度 combustion rate

机械未完全燃烧热损失 heat loss due to mechanical incomplete combustion

化学未完全燃烧热损失 heat loss due to chemical incomplete combustion

灰渣热损失 heat loss due to sensible heat in refuse

排烟热损失 heat loss due to flue gas

散热损失 heat loss due to radiation

热损失 heat loss flame

不稳定燃烧 instable combustion

负压燃烧 balance draft combustion

微负压燃烧 pressurized combustion

炉膛容积热负荷 furnace volume heat release rate

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