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SUV中文英语翻译Sport Utility Vehicle

  SUV的全称是Sport Utility Vehicle,即“运动型多用途车”,20世纪80年代起源于美国,是为迎合年轻白领阶层的爱好而在皮卡底盘上发展起来的一种厢体车。离地间隙较大,在一定的程度上既有轿车的舒适性又有越野车的越野性能。



  He says that women like SUVs. 他表示,SUV车受到女性青睐,

  It is called a sports utility vehicle, or SUV. 被称为运动型多功能运载车,简称SUV。

  Many Americans like the feeling they get from driving an SUV. 许多美国人喜欢驾驶SUV。

  One reason may be that the SUV seems like a vehicle that can do many different things. 原因之一可能是,SUV的功能似乎很多,能做很多不同的事情。

  But the SUV in the magazine ad looked just like the ones I see every day on Texas roads. 但杂志广告上的suv看上去就像我每天在得州公路上所看到的汽车。

  One study found that an SUV will release about two times as much carbon dioxide as a car over the life of the vehicle. 一项研究表明,在整个使用寿命期间,一辆suv的二氧化碳的排放量是普通汽车的两倍。

  For example, the magazine slogan I saw on the plane advertised a sports utility vehicle (SUV) produced by a Chinese-American joint venture. 比如,我在飞机上看到的杂志上的那条广告是宣传一种中美合资生产的多功能运动汽车(SUV)。

  Today, some Ford SUV models have incorporated many of their ideas, including cup holders large enough to hold a supersize soft drink and an extra rear-view mirror to let the driver keep an eye on kids in the back seat. 如今,福特公司的一些SUV车型就包含了许多她们的建议,包括大得足以放下大号软饮料的茶杯托,以及增设让司机能够看见坐在后座的孩子的后视镜。

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