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通信手段:communication means

被叫人:called person

紧急通信:urgent communications

移动电话网:mobile telephone network

电话交换台:telephone switchboard

寻呼业务:paging service

电子电路:electronic circuitry

无线传输:wireless transmission

无线发射机:wireless transmitter

个人代码:personal codes

服务区:service area

单向通信:one-way communication

寻呼用户:paging users


技术进步:technological progress

系统的效率:efficiency of the system

专用的无线网络:dedicated wireless network

终端设备:terminal equipment

全球覆盖:global coverage

无线增益:gain of the antenna

空间站:space station

通信网络的运行:the operation of a communication network

有线的和移动的电话网络:the wired and mobile telephone network

光和声音的信号装置:optical and acoustical signaling devices

本地电话交换台的接线员:the operator of a local telephone switchboard

第一代寻呼系统:the first generation of paging system

利用无线传输的寻呼系统:the paging system using wireless transmission

专用的无线接收机:the dedicated radio receiver

社会和经济效益:social and economic advantages

电子电路的小型化:the miniaturization of electronic circuitry

价格效率比:cost efficiency

小型无线电接收机:the miniature radio receiver

显示能力:display capability

全球覆盖:global coverage

空间站的天线增益:the space station antenna gain

地球同步轨道卫星:geostationary orbit satellite

用户终端:user terminal

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