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对光特性的理解:the understanding of the property of light

基本重要性:the fundamental important

想象今天的通信系统:to imagine the communication system of today

光的高速公路:the highway of light

巨量的信息:the massive amount of information

采用通信新技术:to adopt new communication technology

大量的视频信息:the large amounts of video information

波分复用:the wave divide multiplexing

只发送单个波长:to send only one wavelength

传输大量的波长:to transmit a large amount of wavelength

无差错传输:the error-free transmission

自愈特性:the self-healing properties

直接接入光网络:to access directly to the optical network

视频信息:the video information

导致WDM革命的主要进展:the major advance that led to the revolution

光放大器的发明:the invention of the optical amplifier

下一段光纤:the next span of fiber

提高所有波长信号的功率:to boost the signal power of all wavelength

在光放大器方面的进展:the advances in optical amplifier

增益均衡技术的发展:the development of gain equalization techniques

多波长传输:the multiple-wavelength transmission

无线系统的增长:the growth of various application

各种各样的业务:the wide various application

处理各种业务类型:to handle various types of traffic

全光交叉连接:the all-optical cross-connect

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