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异步转移模式 asynchronous

逻辑信道 logical channel

虚电路 virtual circuits

虚路径 virtual paths

建议 recommendation

网络层network level

业务与应用层 service and application

虚连接 virtual connection

信息高速公路 information superhighway

点播电视 video-on-demand

统计复用 statistical multiplexing

数字化的信息 digital information

标识符 identifier

协议 protocols

网络节点 network node

宽带网 broadband network


论坛 ATM forum

面向未来 future-proofed

图象编码 image encoding

虚拟专用网 virtual private network

数据处理 data processing

被叫做信元的短的分组 short packets called cells

每秒几百兆比特的速率 bit rates of several hundred megabits a second

独特的复用方法 unique multiplexing method

任何两个终端之间的物理连接 the physical connection between any two terminals

交互式的视频业务 interactive video services

多媒体业务的自然载体 a nature vehicle for multimedia services

运营者和用户当前和未来的要求 the current and future requirement of both operators and users

高比特率信道的交换技术 the technique for switching high bit rate channel

异步转换模式 asynchronous transfer mode

复用和交换技术 multiplexing and switching technique

所承载的传输类型 the underlying type of transmission

双重标识 dual identification

虚电路 virtual circuit

虚路径 virtual path

信元在网络节点上的转移 the transfer of cells to the network nodes

每秒几百爪比特 hundreds megabits a second


建议 recommendation I.121

服务质量 the quality of service

与实际需求成比例 in proportion to the exact requirement

网络所传送的应用和业务 the applications and service transported over a network

构成虚网络的能力 the ability to construct virtual networks

低价高效的利用网络设施 cost-effective use of infrastructure

面向未来的 future-proofed

协调传送不同业务的不同网络 coordinating different networks carrying different services

未来的信息高速公路的基本部件 essential components of future information superhighways

统计复用 statistical multiplexing

资源的最佳使用 optimum use of resources

虚拟专用网 virtual private networks

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