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no credit interval 无信贷间隔天数

non-cash items 非现金项目

non-core business 非核心业务

non-operational items 非经营性项目

obtaining payment 获得支付

one-man rule 一人原则

open account terms 无担保条款

operating leases 经营租赁

operating profit 营业利润

operational cash flow 营性现金流量

operational flexibility ~营弹性

optimal credit 最佳信贷

order cycle 订货环节

ordinary dividend payments 普通股股利支付

organization of credit activities 信贷活动的组织

overdue payments 逾期支付

over-trading 过度交易

overview of accounts 财务报表概览·

parent company 母公司

pat 税后利润

payment in advance 提前付款

payment obligations 付款义务

payment records 付款记录

payment score 还款评分

pbit 息税前利润

pbt 息后税前利润

percentage change 百分比变动

performance bonds 履约保证

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