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收费站 toll station

应急停车带 emergency stop area

休息处 rest area

服务区 service area

避车道 lay-by,passing bay

火车站 railway station

飞机场 airport

停车场 parking

长途汽车站 inter-city bus station

急救站 first aid station

客轮码头 passenger quay

餐饮 restaurant

汽修 breakdown service

洗车 vehicle cleaning

加油站 filling station

电话 telephone

轮渡 ferry

爬坡车道 climbing lane

追尾危险 rear-end collision danger

保持车距 keep space

道路交通信息 traffic information

路面结冰 icy pavement

小心路滑 slippery road be careful

陡坡慢行 steep descent;slow-down

多雾路段 foggy section

软基路段 weak subgrade

大型车靠右 oversize vehicle to right

注意横风 alert to cross wind

事故多发点 blackspot

保护动物 protect animal

长下坡慢行 long descent;slow-down

道路封闭 road closed

车道封闭 lane closed

车辆慢行 slow down

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