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51.保险合同 insurance contract

52.统括保单 master policy

53.开口保单 open cover; open policy

54.保险合同条款 terms and conditions of insurance contract; policy wording

55,保险合同基本条款 basic clause of insurance contract

56.保险合同附加条款 additional clause of insurance contract

57.特别约定 special agreement

58.保险单/保单 policy

59.保险凭证 insurance certificate

60.批单 endorsement

61.保险合同成立 establishment of insurance contract

62.保单签发/出单 policy issuing

63.保险合同生效 effectiveness of insurance contract

64.保险合同失效 defeasance of insurance contract

65.保险期间/保险期限 period of insurance; policy period

66.保险合同变更/批改 insurance contract modification

67.批改申请 endorsement application

68.退保 surrender

69.退保费用 surrender charge

70.保险合同终止 termination of insurance contract

71.保险合同解除/保单解除 terminate an insurance contract

72.保单期满 policy expiration

73.续保 renewal

74.追溯期 retroactive period

75.报告期/发现期 discovery period

76.保险事故 insured event

77.意外事件/意外事故 accident

78.出险 loss occurred

79.物质损失 physical damage; physical injury

80.部分损失 partial loss

81.全部损失/全损 total loss

82.实际全损 actual totalloss;absolute total loss

83.推定全损 constructive total loss; technical total loss

84.部分全损 total loss of part

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