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data structure 数据结构

DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization) 去中心化自治组织

Debt Token 债权代币

decentralized 去中心化

decentralized consensus 去中心化共识

decentralized applications 去中心化应用

decentralized platform 去中心化平台

decoding Base58Check to/from hex Base58Check编码与16进制的相互转换

decoding to hex 解码为16进制

deep web 深网

Decode Raw Transaction 解码原始交易

deflationary money 通缩货币

delegated proof of stake 授权股权证明机制

demurrage currency 滞期费

denial of service attack 拒绝服务攻击

detached block 分离块

deterministic wallets 确定性钱包

DEX :distributed exchange 去中心化交易所

difficulty bits 难度位

difficulty retargeting 难度调整

difficulty targets 难度目标

digital notary services 数字公正服务

digital currency 数字货币

distributed hash table 分布式哈希表

Distributed Autonomous Corporations Runtime System(DACRS) 自治系统运行环境

Distributed Ledger Technology(DLT) 分布式账簿技术

domain name service(DNS) 域名服务(DNS)

double-spend attack 双重支付攻击

double spend 双花

Dogecoin 狗狗币

DoS(denial of service) attack 拒绝服务攻击

DPOS 权益代表证明机制/DPOS算法(POS基础上的改良)

dual-purpose 双重目标

dual-purpose mining 双重目的挖矿

dust rule 尘额规则(极其小的余额)

eavesdroppers 窃听者

e-commerce servers keys for… 电子商务服务器…的密钥

ECDSA 椭圆曲线数字签名算法保障

Eigentrust++ for nodes 用于节点的Eigentrust++技术

electricity cost 电力成本

electricity cost and target difficulty 电力消耗与目标难度

Electrum wallet Electrum 钱包

elliptic curve multiplication 椭圆曲线乘法

Emercoin (EMC) 崛起币

encoding/decoding from Base58Check 依据Base58Check编码/解码

encrypted 加密

encrypted private keys 加密私钥

Equity Token 权益代币

Ethereum 以太坊

External owned account(EOA) 外有账户

ether 以太币

extended key 扩展密钥

extra nonce solutions 添加额外nonce的方式

extra Balance 附加余额

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