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石油沥青纸胎油毡、油纸 Paper base petroleum asphalt felt asphalt paper

沥青防水卷材试验方法 总则 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing—The general rules

沥青防水卷材试验方法 浸涂材料含量 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing—Saturated and coated bitumen amount of asphalt

沥青防水卷材试验方法 不透水性 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing— Water impermeability of asphalt

沥青防水卷材试验方法 吸水性 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing — Water absorption of asphalt

沥青防水卷材试验方法 耐热度 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing—Heat resistance of asphalt

沥青防水卷材试验方法 拉力 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing—Tensile strength of asphalt

沥青防水卷材试验方法 柔度 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing—Flexibility of asphalt

环形钢筋混凝土电杆 Circular reinforced concrete pole

抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥 Sulfate resistance portland cement

水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀试验方法 Sulphate resistance test for cement

水泥压蒸安定性试验方法 Autoclave method for soundness of portland cement

矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥 Portland blastfurnace-slag cement, portland pozzolana cement and portland fly-ash cement

水泥细度检验方法 (μm筛筛析法) Test method for fineness of cement--The μm sieve

水泥标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、安定性检验方法 Standard test method for water requirement of normal consistency setting time andsoundness of the portland cement

纤维增强塑料性能试验方法总则 The generals of test methods for properties of fiber-reinforced plastics

玻璃纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法 Test method for tensile properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastics

玻璃纤维增强塑料压缩性能试验方法 Test method for compressive properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastics

玻璃纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastics

玻璃纤维增强塑料层间剪切强度试验方法 Test method for interlaminar shear strength of glass fiber-reinforced plastics

玻璃纤维增强塑料冲压式剪切强度试验方法 Test method for the punch-type of strength of glass fiber-reinforced plastics

玻璃纤维增强塑料简支梁式冲击韧性试验方法 Test method for the charpy impact resistance of glass fiber-reinforced plastics

非金属夹层结构平拉强度试验方法 Test method for flatwise tension strength of nonmetal sandwich constructions

非金属夹层结构或芯子平压性能试验方法 Test method for flatwise compression properties of nonmetal sandwich constructions or cores

夹层结构侧压性能试验方法 Test method for edgewise compressive properties of sandwich constructions

夹层结构或芯子剪切性能试验方法 Test method for shear properties of sandwich constructions or cores

夹层结构弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of sandwich constructions

夹层结构滚筒剥离试验方法 Test method for climbing drum peel of sandwich constructions

纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样拉伸试验方法 Test method for tensile strength of ring of filament- winding reinforced plastics

纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样剪切试验方法 Test method for interlaminar shear strength of ring of filament-winding reinforced plastics

纤维增强塑料吸水性试验方法 Test methods for water absorption of fiber reinforced plastics

纤维增强塑料密度和相对密度试验方法 Test methods for density and relative density of fiber reinforced plastics

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