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self-governed 自治

semi-official mission 半官方机构

semi-proportional voting system 半按比例投票制

Senior Representative首席代表

sense of belonging 归属感

separation of powers 三权分立〔立法、行政、司法〕;分权而立;分权

servant of the Government 政府的受雇人

service voter 公职选民

session 会议;会期

short title 简称

show of hands 举手表决

Silver Bauhinia Star [SBS] 银紫荆星章

simple majority 过半数;简单多数

simple majority system of election 简单多数选举制

simple system of counting 简单点票制

simultaneous registration 同期进行登记

single candidate list 单人候选人名单

single candidate voting system 等额投票制

single constituency 单一选区

single nominee list 单人获提名人名单

single non-transferable vote system 不可转移单票制

single transferable vote system 可转移单票制

single vote 单票

single-member constituency 单议席选区;单议席选举组别

single-member functional constituency 单议席功能界别

single-seat constituency 单议席选区;单议席选举组别

single-seat geographical constituency 单议席地方选区

Sino-British Joint Liaison Group [JLG] 中英联合联络小组

sitting time 会议时数

situation report [sitrep] 现况报告;情况报告

size of the electorate 选民人数;总选民人数

smooth transfer of government 政权顺利交接

smooth transition 顺利过渡;平稳过渡

Social Democratic Front 社会民主阵线

social welfare functional constituency 社会福利界功能界别

solicitation of treating 要求款待

sorting/counting zone 分票区/点票区

sound amplifying device 扬声器材

sovereign regime 宗主国政权

sovereign state 宗主国;主权国

sovereignty 主权

speaking note 说帖;发言讲稿

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