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专利权patent right

优先权日priority date

申请在先原则prior application rule

使用在先priority of use




发明创造invention and creation

实用新型utility model

外观设计design; industrial design

发明权right of invention

发现权right of discovery

专利申请patent application

专利异议objection to a patent

专利公告patent gazette

专利续展费renewal fee of patent

专利许可协议patent licensing agreement



专利证书certificate of patent

专利事务所patent office

专利代理patent agency

中华人民共和国专利局Patent Office of the People’s Republic of China

abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权

abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请

abridgment 文摘

abstract 文摘(摘要)

abuse of patent 滥用专利权

action for infringement of patent 专利侵权诉讼

action of a patent 专利诉讼

address for service 文件送达地址

affidavit 誓书

allowance 准许

amendment 修改

annual fee 年费

annuity 年费

anticipation 占先

appeal 上诉

appellation of origin 原产地名称

applicant for patent 专利申请人

application date 申请日期

application documents 申请案文件

application fee 申请费

application for patent 专利申请(案)

application laying open for public inspection 公开供公众审查的申请

application number 申请号

application papers 申请案文件

arbitration 仲裁

art 技术

article of manufacture 制品

assignee 受让人

assignment 转让

assignor 转让人

author of the invention 发明人

author’s certificate 发明人证书

basic patent 基本专利

Berne Convention 伯尔尼公约

Berne Union 伯尔尼联盟

best mode 最佳方式

bibliographic data 著录资料

BIRPI 保护知识产权联合国国际局

board of appeals 申诉委员会

breach of confidence 泄密

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