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1.entrance fee申请费

2.annual membership dues年费

3.card issuing institution发卡单位

4.a sales slip 签购单据

5.electronic funds transfer  电子资金转账

6.inancial insolvency  无力支付

7.financial arrangement 筹资安排

8.off-balance-sheet  表外业务

9.disintermediation 脱媒

10.cash advance 差旅预支款

11.cash against bill of lading 凭提单付现

12.cash against documents (C.A.D.)凭单付现,凭单据付现金(=document against cash)

13.cash and carry 付现自运,现金交易和运输自理,现购自运商店

14.cash and carry wholesale 付现自运批发

15.cash assets 现金资产

16.cash audit  现金审核,现金审计

17.cash balance 现金余额,现金审计

18.cash purchase  现购,现金购买

19.cash basis accounting 现金收付会计制

20.cash before  delivery (C.B.D.)交货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货

21.cash bonus 现金红利

22.cash book 现金簿,现金账,现金出纳账

23.cash price 现金售价,现金付款价格

24.cash budget 现金预算

25.cash claim 现金索赔

26.cash collection basis 收现法,收现制

27.cash credit 活期信用放款,现金付出

28.cash credit slip  现金支出传票

29.cash railway(商店中的)货款传送线

30.cash ratio现金比率

31.cash debit slip 现金收入传票

32.cash department(=counting-house)(商业机构中的)出纳席

33.cash deposit as collateral 保证金,押金

34.cash receipts(CR)现金收入

35.cash disbursements现金支出

36.cash discount(C.D.)(=settlement discount)现金折扣,付现折扣

37.cash dispenser(=cashomat)(美)自动提款机

38.cash down即付,付现

39.cash equivalent value  现金等值,现金相等价值

40.cash in advance(C.I.A.)预付现金

41.cash in bank 存银行现金,银行存款

42.cash in hand(=cash on hand)(商行的)手头现金,库存现金

43.cash in transit  在途现金,在运现金

44.cash in transit policy现金运送保险单

45.cash in treasury库存现金

46.cash receipts journal现金收入日记账

47.cash items现金账项,现金科目

48.cash journal现金日记簿

49.cash liquidity 现金流动(情况),现金周转

50.cash market 现金交易市场,现货市场,付现市场

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