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General Sugery 普外

appendectomy (appendicectomy) 阑尾切除术

cholecystectmy 胆囊切除术

cholecystostomy 胆囊造口术

drainage of the abscess 脓肿引流

enterostomy 肠造口术

exploratory laparotomy 开腹探查术

gastrectomy 胃切除术

gastroduodenostomy 胃十二指肠吻合术

hemorrhoidectomy 痔切除术

hepaticotomy 肝管切开术

hepatectomy 肝切除术

herniorrhaphy 疝修补术

ligation of lower oesophageal veins 低位食管静脉结扎

pancreatectomy 胰切除术

portal vena cava anastomosis 门腔静脉吻合术

pyloroplasty 幽门成形术

mastectomy 乳房切除术

splenectomy 脾切除术

thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术

thyroid lobectomy 甲状腺叶切除术

vagotomy 迷走神经切断术

Orthopedics 骨科

amputation 截肢

arthrodesis 关节固定术

curettage if bone tumor 骨瘤刮除术

excision of bone tumor 骨瘤切除术

external fixation 外固定

fasciotomy 筋膜切开术

free skin graft 自由皮瓣移植

internal fixation 内固定

plaster cast 石膏管形

plaster splintage 石膏夹板固定

prosthetic replacement for joint 人工关节置换术

reduction of fracture 骨折复位

reduction of joint dislocation 关节脱位复位

repair if ligament 韧带修补

replantation if digit断指再植

skeletal traction 骨牵引

tenorrhaphy 腱缝合术

Thoracic Surgery 胸外科

aortocoronary bypass 主动脉冠状动脉分流

closed drainage of pleural cavity 胸腔闭式引流

complete intracardiac repair of Fallot′s Tetralogy 法洛完全修复术

dilation of aortic valular stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄扩张术

exploratory thoracotomy 开胸探查

heart transplantation 心脏移植

heart valve replacement 心脏瓣膜置换术

ligation of patent ductus arteriosis 动脉导管未闭结扎术

lobectomy of lungs 肺叶切除

local excision of tumor of lungs 肺肿瘤局部切除术

parial esophagectomy and reconstruction of esophagus食管部分切除、重建

repair of auricular septal defect 房间隔缺损修补术

repair if ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损修补术

repair if valvular insufficiency 瓣膜闭锁不全的修补

pericardiectomy 心包切除术

peicardiotomy 心包切开术

pulmonary embolectomy 肺动脉栓子切除术

resection of arterial aneurysm动脉瘤切除术

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