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五羊雕塑 the Statue of Five Rams [It is the emblem (symbol) of Guangzhou City]

镇海楼 Zhenhailou (Five-Story) Tower 

广州起义烈士陵园(The) Manorial to Martyrs of Guangzhou Uprising

黄花岗七十二烈士墓 Huanghuagang Mausoleum of 72 Martyrs

三元里人民抗英斗争纪念馆 Sanyuanli Museum of the Struggle against British Invaders

三元里人民抗英斗争纪念碑 Monument to Sanyuanli Struggle against British Invaders

广州公社旧址 Former Headquarters of Guangzhou Commune

黄埔军校旧址 Museum of Whampoa ( Huangpu ) Military Academy ( Former Campus)

中华全国总工会旧址 Former Headquarters of ALL China Labor Union

广州农民运动讲习所 Guangzhou Institute of National Peasant Movements

西汉南越王墓 Mausoleum of Nanyue King in the Western Han Dynasty

南越国宫署遗址 Remnants of the Royal Palace & Garden of the Nanyue Kingdom

南越王墓博物馆Museum of Nanyue King's Mausoleum

广东省博物馆 Guangdong Museum

广州博物馆 Guangzhou Museum

广东华侨博物馆 Guangdong Overseas-Chinese

荔湾博物馆 Liwan Museum (including traditional Cantonese houses in Xiguan Area)

番禺博物馆Panyu Museum 

广东美术馆 Guangdong Arts Gallery 

广州市美术馆 Guangzhou Arts Gallery 

广州艺术博物院 Guangzhou Museum of Fine Arts; Guangzhou Fine Arts Museum

广东民间工艺博物馆Guangdong Folk Arts Museum (also,The Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family)

岭南画派纪念馆(The) Memorial Hall of Lingnan Schoo] of Painting

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