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1.     载人航天  manned space mission

2.     探月工程  lunar exploration program

3.     结构性、输入性物价上涨  structural and imported inflation

4.     重点产业调整振兴规划  the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries

5.     政府投资引导带动社会投资  government spending guided and drove nongovernmental investment

6.     科研成果实现了产业化  a large number of research results have been applied in industrial production

7.     工业“三废”  industrial wastewater, waste gases and residues

8.     主体功能区  development priority zones

9.     县级基本财力保障机制  a mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments

10.  对外工程承包和劳务合作营业额  the total turnover of overseas construction/project and labor contracts

11.  新型农村社会养老保险  a new type of pension insurance for rural residents

12.  老有所养、病有所医、住有所居  Everyone has access to old-age care, medical treatment and housing

13.  行政问责  administrative accountability system

14.  违法征地拆迁  illegal land expropriations and housing demolitions

15.  政府调控与市场机制的有机统一   closely integrate government control with market forces

16.  激发经济内在活力  stimulate the (internal) vitality of the economy

17.  加快形成消费、投资、出口协调拉动经济增长的新局面  to quickly realize economic growth driven by consumption, investment and exports

18.  提高居民收入在国民收入中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重(“两个提高”)  raise the proportion of national income distributed to individuals and increase the proportion of wages in the primary distribution of income

19.  提高政策范围内的医保基金支付水平  increase payment percentage/level in the medical insurance fund within authorized package

20.  构建组织多元、服务高效、监管审慎、风险可控的金融体系  develop a financial system featuring diverse organizations, efficient service, prudent supervision and risk-control

21.  建立健全能够灵活反映市场供求关系、资源稀缺程度和环境损害成本的资源性产品价格形成机制  develop a sound, flexible mechanism for setting prices for resource products capable of reflecting supply and demand in the market, resource scarcity, and the cost of environmental damage

22.  政府自身改革建设  government reforms and self-improvement

23.  从制度上改变权力过分集中而又得不到制约的状况  make institutional changes to end the excessive concentration of power and lack of checks on power

24.  保持适当的财政赤字和国债规模  keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels

25.  公务接待费  hospitality spending

26.  消除输入性、结构性通胀因素的不利影响  overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation

27.  消除输入性、结构性通胀因素的不利影响  overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation

28.  “米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制  the system of provincial governors taking responsibility for the “rice bag” (grain supply) program and city mayors taking responsibility for the“vegetable basket” (non-grain food supply) program

29.  农产品流通体系  farm products distribution

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